X-Files 6.18 "Milagro" & 6.19 "The Unnatural": it's TWO, TWO, TWO reviews in ONE!!! :D
Hey everybody. Yes, I got really behind in my reviews. I've been
working long hours. I have one more week and then I'm "on hiatus" which is a
cool way to say I'm unemployed! Or how about "between projects." Yeah,
that's good--and actually maybe true, as I may be working on another game show
that the Producers of Ben Stein are trying to bring over from England.
So, if they get the go ahead to produce some test shows, I'll be working on
that. Keep your fingers crossed.
I'll start by saying this about tonight's episode: I know what I want
for my next birthday: some battling practice with Mulder. Hubba hubba, David
should always direct if he's gonna insist on looking so good. I was
prepared to be let down by this episode, and even though I felt the
direction was a little too showy for my tastes (which is actor/director
syndrome, if you ask me: they have to do all kinds of stuff with the
camera and transistions etc.) I just really liked the episode and thought it was
That's basically my review. I liked it, it was really sweet. I thought
the characters were really interesting, so much so that I didn't mind
mulder and Scully not being in it much. I adored the scenes between
Mulder and Scully, and found it interesting that this is how David sees their
relationship: playful. I found it hard to believe that Scully had never
swung a bat before (didn't she have PE in high School? Didn't she have
brothers? We know she was a tomboy. But hey, maybe Dana was just
working the whole "little-ol-me" thing to get Mulder's arms around her, and more
power to her, I say. And, if THAT wasn't flirting, I don't know what is.
Last week's episode was more problematic. i like elements of it, but
like too many episodes this year, I was left wondering : "so....did
that...happen?" I don't think it did. I think the whole epiode after
Scully gets off the elevator was that guy's imagination.
i say this because Scully was just not scully to me. Well, let me back
up: If it is so easy to hear what's going on in Mulder's apartment, why
didn't Cancer man just live next door with a glass to the wall instead of
bothering with high tech surveilance? ALthough, Mulder did say he just
moved in, so maybe it was previously occupied by the now defunct
conspiracy, who knows.
If the Zodiac killer has taught us anything, isn't it not to make out in
cars at lover's lane's in the woods?
I liked Scully's initial reaction to this "soulful" "deep"
writer/stalker, how put-off and violated she feels in the church. By the way, I'd never heard that "sacred heart" story before, and am assuming it's from an
apocryphal book: if anyone knows for sure, please tell me. I mean, this
is a show that had Mulder quote from a chapter of Revelations that isn't
actually IN the Bible so...you know, they don't have a very devoted
research staff :D
I liked the guy's observations, and how hurt Scully felt, how exposed
she was. i want Scully to be happy, At this point, I wanted her to have a
heart to heart with her MOM, who hasn't been on all season, by the way,
and that irritates me, but that's beside the point. I really hated this guy
Padgett, and I think Chris wanted me to like him. this is where the
whole thing tanked for me: Scully, rather than being totally creeped out by
the guy, gets this weird attraction to him, like he's just so insightful and
honest and "deep" man. This guy admits to stalking her and she sits on
the bed to hear him talk about "fate" or whatever--I mean, Scully, you need
to get out more if this feels like something Promising, and when you've got
ME giving you dating tips, you're really in trouble. Padgett was a class A
loser drip to me, and I know Carter and Co. thought he was cool, because they
are all dweeby writers and they think they could get scullly to sit on their
beds and defend them if they revealed to her how much insight they had into
her soul. If some guy told me all that stuff about me, i'd tell him he was
an arrogant, presumptious little creep and then i'd drive to city hall to
get me a restraining order. At first i thought she thought he did it, so she
was just kinda playing him, and after all, she was armed, but then she
defends him to Mulder.
And what's with Mulder. Unlike his wonderful "batting practice" gambit
of this week, he does his childish over-protective thing, berating her and
refering to sex as "the naked pretzel." There's a reason a guy that
smart, witty and good looking stays at home with his pornography collection.
When Padgett says Scully's already in love, i was reminded of little Gibson in
last years finale, telling Mulder and Diana and Scully that mulder had
feelings for one of them, or whatever: mindreaders can be soooo
embarrasing. scully tries to get Mulder's attention, she needs him, but he's a fool
as usual and in full-on "gotta solve the mysteries of the on-known" mode. i
liked the tearful end (two epiodes in a row that end with them in
each others arms) but i didn't get it--I mean, did that happen? She's
covered in blood from this guy psychically ripping her heart out? Is
that right? But it didn't quite take? SO how does she explain the blood with
no puncure wound? SO I think this just didn't happen, but please feel
free to enlighten me, if you understood this more than I , and if you liked it
more than I . I also thought Padgett's writing was just really bad.
Overly written, like he was using the thesarus on his computer to turn
every word into a three-dollar one, you know? I made this observation
last year: I think it was the premiere, or maybe Scully Christmas. Chris
Carter's narration is just over the top, too self-imporatnt and "poetic."
Nice in-joke from the Fox prop depatment: when they sweep past the
tombstones at the cemetary, we see a grave stone for Diana Gordan
Salinger and Nicholas Charles Salinger. Those of us who watch "Party of Five"
(yeah, I watch Party of Five, you want to make something of it??)
recognize it was the Salinger kid's parents' tombstone, seen earlier this
season. SO that was cute. Next week looks funny, and I guess I'm just
gonna have to say "uncle" and just enjoy the funny ones and deal with it.
But I love the Lone gunmen, and loved the episode last year that focused
on them. I especially felt for Byers (the nice one) and his love for this
stranger who asks for his help and am excited about her return as well.
Okay, I've rambled long enough, have a great week!!
Chrisitne :D