Monday, February 23, 1998

X-Files 5.12 "Bad Blood"

Well. I almost don't know what to say. I mean, if I go over point by
point, all the funny parts, It'll just be a rehash of the episode!
Looooooved It!!! It was interesting that while their impressions of
themselves were fairly accurate--Scully painted herself a bit too
tragic, and Mulder portrayed himself a bit too fair and polite, but they were
still pretty familiar, it was their view of each other that was totally
whacked! Scully's Mulder, was actually a lot like how Mulder is in the pilot
episode, if I think about it, more in-your-face and hyper. Mulder's Scully was
a lot like "Elaine fron "Seinfeld." Rude, mocking, whiny, it was
priceless. Interesting though, to look at these impressions, because Scully maybe
is sadder than we usually see, and Maybe Mulder is more intimidated by
Scully's skepticism than he usually lets on. Basicaly, both felt that
the other could be a bit more respectful of the others' feelings. Another
thing they have in common is an apparant inability to resist the charms
of attractive vampires. Didn't you love Scully getting all goo-goo for a
guy? And Mulder leaves them alone--Even when he tries to help her get some
action, he's actually ditching her! Amazing! maybe it's a weird
biological thing he has no contol of--"Must..Leave...Scully.
Must...put..her in...danger."
Interesting the type that Scully goes for, this strapping cowboy, the
guy with the homicidal tattoo, the park ranger she checks out in "Darkness
falls." The strong silent type, rugged manly go, girl!
Loved Scully getting hungry while looking at digested Pizza in a dead guy's
stomach, and her soap opera worthy: "Pizza...(thinking)...the pizza
delivery guy (dawning horror) Mulder!" She rushes off to save him. I
liked Mulder and Scully sitting like two bad kids waiting to see the
principal, and Scully trying to fuss over his appearance and his

I liked Mulder's being too embarrased to tell Scully he couldn't shoot
the tires of the RV, after she had been able to do the same with the Pizza
guy's...was that an AMC Gremlin? Please kids, always leave your Pizza
guy a tip, he just May be a vampire. And could Scully's "flying squirrel'
crack be a reference to her love of "Rocky and Bullwinkle?" ["Never
Again", Scully displays an encyclopedic knowledge of the cartoon.] Probably
not, but then again...

Finally, picking up the Star Wars thread from last
week, Scully's "I just put money in the magic fingers" line was reminiscent
of Luke's equally whiny "But I was going into Tocce station to pick-up
power converters." Enjoy the joy, and brace yourselves for next
week--looks to be angst-filled!


Monday, February 16, 1998

X-files 5.11 "Kill Switch"

Well, I thought it was great. I hope that those of you who have been
disappointed lately enjoyed this outing. If you didn't, I don't know
what to do with you. I mean, I know other seasons have been stronger, but
they're going to be around for two more years now, and I am glad for
that, maybe you will be too. This episode was clever and, yes, FUN.
Familiar territoty if you watched "Star Trek, The Generation", or I'd imagine,
if you are fans of these guys who wrote the episode (never heard of them,
sorry..), but a MUCH better look at the possibility of artificial
intelligence than say, "Ghosts in the Machine," the killer office
building. Yee. Centering the episode around computers and the
internet and video games, etc., gave the show a great opportunity to tweek the
geeks who watch the show. I previously mentioned I saw simililarities to
"Star Trek" in this episode, and I am writing a review via the internet to my
friends. I realize I am, at best, throwing stones. Not True. I am a
geek, and I don't care who knows it. I mean that's what's great about
the show:Mulder and Scully are geeks! I remember when I first started watching
the show, commenting to my Dad, how Mulder always got beat up, and Dad
said that was part of what he liked about the show. Mulder was a nerd. He
was better with his brain than he was with his fists. Scully is Lisa
Simpson all grown up, and both have gotten delightfully surly this season. The
opening was moody and weird. I loved Mulder's absconding with
evidence, and Scully glancing back as he inserts the disk, making sure they won't
"get in trouble." And, is there any doubt that they now have, sigh,
their own song? Does anyone else remember that episode of "Happy Days,"
where this girl ends things with Ritchie because when they kiss, she doesn't
hear "Smoke gets in your Eyes" in her head, and that's how she knows it
really love? The Platters are all over TV land, and I love it!

Then they go
to see the lone gunmen, and They all try to out-geek eachother with their
knowledge. And then we meet Invisigoth, a.k.a. Esther Nairn (Tomb
Raider, anyone?) She tazes Scully, who still manages to get a shot off, and
make the arrest. When she accuses Esther of Felony assault and Resisting
Arrest, it's clear that Esther's true crime is "insulting Dana." This
super-geek has usurped Dana's place on the nerd-chain, and she really
can't handle not being the smartest girl in the clubhouse. She has a rival
for the boys' admiration. She's cussing, and making wise-cracks, and just
generally failing to rise above it all, and it was great. Her looks of
disdain and contempt were classic. Then she falls asleep on the job,
and gets kidnapped. I loved how Scully was truly disappointed, having
gotten out of the cuffs, that esther just hands her the gun and starts crying.
Dana really WANTED to kick her butt. But then Dana rises above it all, and
reaches out. Scully's soul, her compassion, win out, and the two women
actually bond. Mulder's hospital fantasy was GREAT, all those
straight-outta-porno nurses getting kicked around by his TRUE
dreamgirl, SCULLY, the avenging bad-ass in black! You know, it struck me how Han
Solo Scully was in this episode. Just blasting everything in sight. Can't
you hear her, "Mulder, I've been from one side of this country to another,
I've seen a lot of strange things. But I've never seen anything that'd
make me believe in one all-powerful conspiracy controlling Everything. It's
all coincidences and nonsence if you ask me." Just a thought. She was
more like Princess Leia as she pulled Mulder from the Virtual/Carbonite
Block, eh? Someone who loves him? Huh? OK, I'm rambling. I'm on vacation,

See ya next week! ;)


Sunday, February 08, 1998

X-Files 5.10 "Chinga"

I want popcorn NOW!!!

Veruca Salt got a demon-doll, now she's demanding--and DEADLY!! I had
a lot of fun with this episode (except for all the gouging, YEE!). King
takes us back to the basics: Dolls are scary, Kids are creepy, Poking
is icky. This little girl won't send you to the cornfield, she'll sent ya
TO THE BONEYARD!!! Ok, I'll stop yelling. Didn't you just love that
Scully rented a Mustang to tool around the coast? Just to get away from
herself. Or was it Mulder she was tring to escape. Does he completely fall
apart without her, or what??? When he took a vacation in the cockroach
episode, he couldn't stop harassing her with phone calls. So the table's are
turned and SHE's on vacation and...he keeps harassing her with phonecalls.
Watching porn movies, bouncing a ball in his apartment, sharpening and
throowing pencils...he really IS a loser, girls, let's face it. No,
Diana, you can't change him!! Oh heck, fine, ignore me, but don't come
crawling to me when he breaks your heart over some icy blond informant tramp,
OK? ANYWAY, I loved Mulder's proposal. Things about Scully that inspire
"joke" professions of love from Mulder: 1. Her Loyalty (Tooms, 1st season)
2. her knowledge of World War II airplanes (Piper Maru, 3rd Season) and
now 3. knowledge of witchcraft. Hmmm. Sounds a lot like Snoopy. Except
for the witchcraft part. He loves her mind and soul. When she's not there
for him to look at, he watches dirty movies. Didn't all his hyper-activity
really speak to his sexual frustration? Meanwhile, Scully's
channelling all her pent-up, er, feelings, towards work, as usual. Great to see
her try to relax (and wear jeans!), but she can't deny her compulsive
need to be helpful, useful, good, important. She claims she's on
vacation, but does she push on to the next town? Of course not. She takes a
long hot bubble-bath, listens to some classical music, reads some
meditations about "women who do to much" {anyone who could make out that first
word, please let me know...} and, having been refreshed and empowered sheds
the garments of dorky tourist to become SCULLY: BAD-ASS AVENGER IN BLACK.
(So glad to see she left that acursed gray sweater in D.C). So cute how
Mulder tries to Scully" her with a rational explanation, one that she still
laughs off.

So cute how she's open to "extreme possibility" but doesn't want Mulder to know.
She gets the information she needs, and pretends it's nothing:
"Kill the evil doll, got it...Huh? Oh,
it's nothing, just, you know, uh, Gotta Go, Mulder, later." Note to
self: do not taunt the doll. Any Doll. And Scully ain't afraid of it. She
nukes it. End of story. Scully Rules. Mulder was so cute trying to pretend
his life is even remotly meaningful or interesting without her in it.
Scully was equally cute trying to make Mulder think she can have a vacation
like normal people do where bad things don't happen. And trying to make him
jealous by implying she "met some guy." Puh-leese!! They so LOVE
EACH OTHER, come on!!! I loved that look she regarded him with when
she realized how pathetic his time away from her had been. There are times
when she is moved by his passion, dizzied by his intellect, inspired
by his interity. And sometimes, she's just genuinely alarmed by his
lameness. What would happen if those evil Evil twins got a hold of that dolly?
Just a thought. Have fun this week, that's what it's all about... ;)
