X-files 5.11 "Kill Switch"
Well, I thought it was great. I hope that those of you who have been
disappointed lately enjoyed this outing. If you didn't, I don't know
what to do with you. I mean, I know other seasons have been stronger, but
they're going to be around for two more years now, and I am glad for
that, maybe you will be too. This episode was clever and, yes, FUN.
Familiar territoty if you watched "Star Trek, The Generation", or I'd imagine,
if you are fans of these guys who wrote the episode (never heard of them,
sorry..), but a MUCH better look at the possibility of artificial
intelligence than say, "Ghosts in the Machine," the killer office
building. Yee. Centering the episode around computers and the
internet and video games, etc., gave the show a great opportunity to tweek the
geeks who watch the show. I previously mentioned I saw simililarities to
"Star Trek" in this episode, and I am writing a review via the internet to my
friends. I realize I am, at best, throwing stones. Not True. I am a
geek, and I don't care who knows it. I mean that's what's great about
the show:Mulder and Scully are geeks! I remember when I first started watching
the show, commenting to my Dad, how Mulder always got beat up, and Dad
said that was part of what he liked about the show. Mulder was a nerd. He
was better with his brain than he was with his fists. Scully is Lisa
Simpson all grown up, and both have gotten delightfully surly this season. The
opening was moody and weird. I loved Mulder's absconding with
evidence, and Scully glancing back as he inserts the disk, making sure they won't
"get in trouble." And, is there any doubt that they now have, sigh,
their own song? Does anyone else remember that episode of "Happy Days,"
where this girl ends things with Ritchie because when they kiss, she doesn't
hear "Smoke gets in your Eyes" in her head, and that's how she knows it
really love? The Platters are all over TV land, and I love it!
Then they go
to see the lone gunmen, and They all try to out-geek eachother with their
knowledge. And then we meet Invisigoth, a.k.a. Esther Nairn (Tomb
Raider, anyone?) She tazes Scully, who still manages to get a shot off, and
make the arrest. When she accuses Esther of Felony assault and Resisting
Arrest, it's clear that Esther's true crime is "insulting Dana." This
super-geek has usurped Dana's place on the nerd-chain, and she really
can't handle not being the smartest girl in the clubhouse. She has a rival
for the boys' admiration. She's cussing, and making wise-cracks, and just
generally failing to rise above it all, and it was great. Her looks of
disdain and contempt were classic. Then she falls asleep on the job,
and gets kidnapped. I loved how Scully was truly disappointed, having
gotten out of the cuffs, that esther just hands her the gun and starts crying.
Dana really WANTED to kick her butt. But then Dana rises above it all, and
reaches out. Scully's soul, her compassion, win out, and the two women
actually bond. Mulder's hospital fantasy was GREAT, all those
straight-outta-porno nurses getting kicked around by his TRUE
dreamgirl, SCULLY, the avenging bad-ass in black! You know, it struck me how Han
Solo Scully was in this episode. Just blasting everything in sight. Can't
you hear her, "Mulder, I've been from one side of this country to another,
I've seen a lot of strange things. But I've never seen anything that'd
make me believe in one all-powerful conspiracy controlling Everything. It's
all coincidences and nonsence if you ask me." Just a thought. She was
more like Princess Leia as she pulled Mulder from the Virtual/Carbonite
Block, eh? Someone who loves him? Huh? OK, I'm rambling. I'm on vacation,
See ya next week! ;)
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