Wednesday, May 22, 2002

X-Files 9.19 "the Truth" Series Finale--mini-review!

Well, I thought it was both boring and lame. Mulder's on trial and it's just all this recap and clips--but not real long clips, as IF that doesn't make it a clip show! Skinner is defending Mulder and it's done in that way some writers think is clever: the opposing counsel asks how Skinner got the gig of defending Mulder and Skinner says, "That's a good question," in sort of a resigned "what am I doing here?" way, which is supposed to make up for the fact that it doesn't make even the slightest sense that Skinner would be acting as a lawyer--let alone with the TV-lawyer smarm and swagger he demonstrates throughout. But calling attention to it doesn't make up for how stupid it is, Chris Carter!

Then there's the "ghosts" of dead cast members (The lone gunmen, krycek, X) who keep talking to Mulder, and the damned "supuh sohjers" to quote Doggett, who are as tedious in their indestructibility as Jason of Friday the 13th fame by now and, oh yeah, the world is going to end in alien invasion in 2012, according to Cancerman (aren't you SHOCKED he's not dead? but don't worry, he SHOCKINGLY dies) and of course, the Mayan calendar confirms it.

The only interesting thing was the last two minutes, when Chris Carter decides to lead everyone to Christ. In ain't consistent, but it sure was different. But, c'mon, Scully wasn't even wearing the same cross from earlier episodes. Maybe it was prematurely auctioned to charity. Peace, Christine :D


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