Tuesday, February 22, 2000

X-Files 7.12 "X Cops"

Hello! Well, I thought that was delightful. I used to watch Cops all
the time when it started but it got redundant. Which is one of its
strengths, i mean, you see that despite our many differences as a society, stupid
people are pretty much the same in every city and state. I rememebr when
they had "Cops" in Sacramento, and one of the segments was about the cops
trying to catch a loose...cow? Some farm animal, and my sister Jen, who
was working at the state capitol at the time was saying how everyone
there was so mad and bummed because it made Sac look like such a hick town, and
all her co-workers were going around rather defensively, saying "we have
gangs! we have murderers! We're a crime-riddled city just like any

I just liked how the whole thing was so pitch perfect (the blurred faces
and nudity, the bleeped swearing, the running: running cops and running
commentary. Our heroes have spent so much time in California, it seems
like they'd mention it--"Here we are in California again!" This is the third
that I can think of in the last 4 or 5 episodes. This also served as a
"blair witch" episode (although I didn't see it.) Mulder also wears his
Leather jacket all the time now, like every day is casual friday for fox
now. I have to say, it's losing it's power. Soft grey T-shirt, I can
see every week, but the leather jacket is getting stale. Loved Scully hiding
from the cameras, and her general contempt for the whole thing. Love
surly Scully. My MAJOR COMPLAINT with the episode is that we didn't see Scully
get bleeped, because we know she swears like a sailor! As usual, Mulder
and Scully's car was too nice.

Loved Scully telling the cops crew they couldn't ride with her. Loved
poor sketch artists death--the blood throught the vest? Ewww, that was cool.
Loved the blond cop (former "as the world turns" soap hunk judson Mills)
as he tried to do the "Cops" philosphizing thing. I enjoyed how much Mulder
enjoyed the whole thing, getting into to talking to the camera and such.
Loved how, when Scully is in her element at the morgue, she loosens up
and gets talky when she gets to be bossy and smug at the autopsy. The Hanta
virus (spelling?) has been used in a couple episodes, seems to me...maybe
even in the movie, as a cover the government uses when they need to
evacuate civilians due to alien conspiracy stuff. I thought the monster
was cool. My monster would be: a) bunch of spiders, b) a clown, c) that
creepy little blond girl on those Juicy Juice commercials. I'm not sure
which would be scarier. Loved Scully's "I hate you guys" when she finds
the camera crew cowering in the closet. Just a lot of fun. Next week
looks, uh, intriguing, ha ha.

have a good week! Christine :D


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