Monday, December 13, 1999

X-Files 7.6 "The Goldberg Variation" : Fox Mulder...Super Genius!

Hey! My e-mail title refers to how Wile E. Coyote would say "super
genius" after his name. Say, I liked this episode a lot. It was different and
whimsical and cool. Yes, the end was a bit manipulative and hokey, but
so is "the Green Mile" and it's got Oscar buzz!

Quibble: Do elevators anywhere actually still play elevator music? I
haven't experienced this anywhere, really. maybe I don't go to enough
swanky mob hotels. Like how they did a mob episode in Chicago, very
fitting. Loved Scully's mild irritation at Mulder's theatrics when he
comes out of the sewar on that elevator thing. But, doesn't she seem
irritated in a different way? Not the usual "Let's get down to business" way she
usually is, but more the "How can I get my boyfriend to be less
embarrassing in public" way? Yes? They just seem to be more

Liked Scully's knowledge about what the REAL FBI agents are doing, you
know, trying to catch criminals, haha. Mulder's hair is a bit
strange--not the disasterous second season porcupine do, but a little weird, too
buzzy. Scully's awful pun about the one-eyed Ritchie gets a real laugh from
Mulder, usually he's the one to make the terrible joke, which she
pretends not to find amusing. Loved Scully's amusment at Mulder's lack of
mechanical ability. Mulder and Scully seemed to be very aware of how
cool they are compared to Henry and the rest of the schmos they encounter in
Chi town. I loved Henry's contraptions--made me miss playing "Mousetrap."

OK, Scully and Mulder in the elevator, Scully seems anxious to return to
Washington--and then what? They better not be "Law and Order" dating on
us, they sure are giving us some subtext. Scully's just so winky with
Mulder. FOr those of you who don't watch Law an Order, they don't give
you much insight into the characters private life, but they had a season
where the two main lawyers (Sam Waterson and Jill Hennesy) started dating,
sleeping together and then broke up, all off-camera. It was just
implied. It was really cool.

I wasn't kiddin when I called Mulder a genius, and though he wasn't
profiling this week, I totally bought his being able to do a forensic
analysis of the bizarre crime scene that is both quick and correct.
Genius has been described as being able to make connections faster than normal
people can, and with fewer steps, and Mulder's beautiful mind (as Scully
likes to refer to it) can do that, can see the truth quicker than most.
Love compassionate Scully, and love how Scully can always connect with
the kids--it's always genuine, too. NOW, Scully says "I like baseball too."
Some of you may take this as contradictory because last year, she implied
to Mulder that she never played before. Now I honestly think she played
"helpless girl" just to get Mulder's arms around her (more power to her).
But, feel free to interpret this as a newfound love of the game based on
her growing affection for Mulder and the things he loves. But, Scully was a
tomboy who knows about fighter planes and air-rifles and climbing fences
and such, I'm sure she played baseball on the base. Baseball suits
Scully too, the stats and science of it. A game of inches would appeal to Dana,
in my opinion.

I hope Scully got that info on Henry from Danny, remember Danny? Used to
be Mulder and Scully were always calling "Danny" for help on their cases.

Liked that 1989 was the pivotal year when everything changed for Henry
Weems--class of 89 RULES!!!!!!!!! Liked the cow scrather lotto tix.
Like the idea that for one person to be that lucky, other people have to
suffer, for balance. David and Gillian just sparkle this year, maybe I'm
mistaking the actor's joy at the near-end of the show for their
characters romantic feelings for one another, i dunno. I would have liked Scully to
be a little more concerned for Mulder and his wound, however slight.

This episode reminded me a bit of my fave, Clyde Bruckman (there's still
time! most of you haven't fessed up!) You know, the whole idea that
what might seem on the outside to be gifts are really curses. X-Files can be
very Twilight Zone when they try. I just really liked the heart of this
show, I felt it was really lacking last year. Remember that horrible
hurricane one where that mother and son were eaten by the drain monster?
ANd then the rest of the show is played for 'laughs'?? Not so here,
where we care about Ritchie and his mom, and believe that Mulder and Scully
(moreso Scully, but that's par for the course) really care too. Loved
when Scully said "Mulder, you're speaking as though we're caught in one of
those contraptions of his," and Mulder nodded like "Yes, exactly, I'm glad you
understand" even though she didn't mean to sound understanding at all.
Liked how Scully's comment about Wile E Coyote and the mechanical
contraptions set up the bizarre "cartoon" violence sequences, that were
quite different and neat-o, I thought. I didn't feel like it all tied
together quite so neat, you know, I didn't really "get" if Ritchie took
ill for a reason, unless it was so that he'd get the kidney THAT day, the day
the gangster was going to die, but, all in all, I still thought it was
great. My slight objections to the end probably have more to do with my
being too cynical than the show being to whimsical.

That's the last new
show until next year--next decade--next century--next millenium! Except
for you math geeks :) Diana of Orange informed me that my statement
about the turn of the century was wrong: turns out, our ansestors DID get it
right, and had their big HOO HA in 1901, not 1900. OK, so we're stupid.
All the numbers are changing, all right? Sheesh. Anyway, no reviews
for three weeks--but feel free to write me if you see Green Mile, I'm eager
to discuss and debate. I mostly felt manipulated by it. By the time of my
next review, we'll be deep into the
playoffs, and for the first time since I was in...grade school I think,
the 49ers won't be in. I'm rooting for "6-10" to end the season. Even so,
there' are plenty of teams I'm rooting against: Dallas (evil) Green Bay
(annoying) and St.Louis (they're the freaking RAMS, for crying out loud,
I don't need a REASON). Sigh. football doesn't bring out the best in me,
does it? Have a very wonderful Christmas and a very peaceful and
typically silly New Year's (Is it still New Year's Diana? We can call it that,
right?) and be safe and happy and, so long as it doesn't upset the
balance of the universe, I wish you a little luck (unless you're Troy Aikman or
something). :D Love, Christine.


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