X-Files 7.9 "Signs and Wonders"
"...lots and lots of snakes." And...not much else.
This was like the cuisinart episode of the X-Files, a bunch of stuff
we've seen before sliced up, spit out, and served as new. The most tiresome
element being the X-files take on Christianity as "creepy." This is
probably the sixth or seventh episode that has centered on some Christian
fringe group or a person claiming to be a minister or a priest whatever,
and rather than dig deeper into Mulder's disdain for Christianity or into
what, exactly Scully believes--does she leave things out when reciting
the Apostle's Creed, or does she actually profess her faith with the rest of
the Catholics? That alone is interesting! Have them talk about the
Virgin birth or Christ or ANYTHING! But no, instead we hit the same tired
notes, Mulder's smug insults, Scully's mild annoyance, and creepy religious
mumbo jumbo. This reminded me of the voodoo episode, it reminded me of Satan
high School, it reminded me half a dozen others--including the end, where
the bad guy has moved on to a new congregation--remember the horrible
plastic surgery episode a few year's back? Same ending. Look out, an
evil man might be in a place of authority. Real groundbreaking stuff, Chris
Carter. You have 12 hours of TV left to tell your story--how bout making
it worth our while?
Take away the snakes, you've got nothing except, as i said, the same old
"kooky religious person" telling Mulder and Scully to believe but they
don't--or do they? And what was the minister's deal anyway? He is seen
in the last frame being praised for his "open and modern" interpretation of
the Bible. If they had explored what exactly that meant, given us some
kind of opinion or something, then maybe I'd care. I'd be interested.
But we really don't know what these people believe, except in terms of
snakes. I was just relieved to see they quoted actual Scripture, rather than make
it up as they have in the past. It annoys the hell out of me that I
don't think the writer knew either. Just have people calling on Jesus and lots
of snakes--that'll be creepy.
Speaking of old episodes, when Scully walks into mulder's office and says
"snakes" and mulder replies "lots and lots of snakes,' it's a nice inside
joke between them. In season threes...paper clip, i think, when they
find the warehouse of files, Mulder says "files" and Scully replies 'lots and
lots of files." Hated Mulder sans tie, but his unprofessionalism fit in
with the overall slapshod quality of the episode as a whole. Mulder's
Catholic school girl quip was tasteless and serves to remind us why a guy
as great looking and smart as Mulder never gets laid. The guy is so
pathetic sometimes. i mean, Scully grew up on the military bases and in
the boys club of the FBI--I mean, she's heard it all. But Mulder...do
you want to be her man or her stupid little brother? Decide.
Now, there is a sect or movement in Christianity that does this, handles
snakes as part of their worship. There's also a lot of middle ground
between handling snakes or being part of the false 'tolerant" church.
Again, if they had bothered to explore the "nice' ministers church and
told us what exactly he was being tolerant of, what exactly he was being open
to, I'd be interested. but I guess that would ruin the "surprise" ending
(oh, the bad guy isn't the weird Christian it's the nice one. Oh okay.)
Were the snakes real? It sure seemed like they materialized out of thin
air--something Mulder and Scully never discuss after the first scene.
Guess it doesn't matter. Real snakes/fake snakes, real God/fake god,
continuity/half-assed characterizations, new ideas/recycling from
previous seasons. Eh, whatever.
Maybe the problem is they can't surprise us anymore. Certainly not with
red herrings and "shock" endings. Mulder seemed to be trying to goad
Scully into explaining to him what it is she actually believes, who God
is to her, but, ultimately, Scully's faith is just a prop she wears around
her neck. When Snake guy escapes the hospital she utters, "that's
impossible, he was on his death bed." Well, Dana, so were you! remember being
miraculously cured from cancer a few years back? I do.
It's not like I didn't know they were running out of ideas, but I know
there are talented imaginative people out there who'd like to write for
this show, and Chris Carter's not finding them. In the next few months
we'll have episodes penned by three of the shows actors: David, Gillian,
and Cancerman. I'm not saying that's a bad thing--i loved David's
baseball episode. I just wonder what else the Writers are doing (because it sure
ain't researching or fleshing out a story) Unless Fox convinces them to
come back for another year (which would mean 22 or so more hours of story
I don't believe they have in them at 1013) , they have only a few more
stories to tell, and why on earth was this one of them? I still believe
this whole last season should have had them as fugitives, rogue agents
trying to find answers on their own. It feels like it's just a job to
them now--Mulder and Scully have to make rent, so, off to Tennessee. Where's
the quest? The passion? Maybe next time.
In two weeks, Samantha,mythology, Mulder angst. Thank goodness!
Enjoy the superbowl--I'm so glad Jacksonville won't be there. I'm
leaning towards the Rams but like the Titans too. Should be a good game. Have a
great week. Christine :) Even the great season three had that horrible
episode with the killer kitty-cats, right?
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