Monday, November 08, 1999

X-Files 7.1 "Sixth Extinction"

Wow, it feels like so long since I've done this..oh wait! It HAS been.
Imagine if I wrote an NYPD Blue review..

Hey, I actually thought that tonight's episode ruled! I mean, if Scully
can admit to believing in extra-ter..E.T's (can't spell it), than the
least I can do is (gulp) admit that I'm genuinely pumped about this seventh
and, barring what would constitute an X-file in real life, final season. I
mean, If David signs on for season 8, that's a sign of the apocalypse
right there. And, let me go on record that I don't think the year 2000
will bring us anything besides some big parties and perhaps some minor
rioting. I mean, Jesus was born in like, 4 or 5 BC because Constantine
or somebody got the dates wrong, so, IF God actually cared about our little
calendars and watches and numbers (which I don't believe He does), 1995
or so would have been the year 2000. OK? OK. In other words, I fully
expect to see the series finale in..April, no doubt.

ANYWAY, the episode. Any episode that begins with a narrative in which
Scully refers lovingly to Mulder's "beautiful mind" automatically rules.
[inside joke for those who watched "another world" back in the
mid-eighties: "If you say my mind is beautiful, it's because it's
thinking of you"] Sorry everyone else, ya had to be there. Scully was so awesome
this episode. Nothing matters now, not her career, not her safety,
NOTHING matters except Mulder. Sigh. This episode was actually very romantic.
Now, when Scully was screaming and waving around her arms because the
ocean of bugs had descended on her? that would have been me upon seeing the
one bug that landed on the artifact when she was sitting pensive and thinking
about her beloved. You might want to consider that before any of you
take me camping...or to Florida. Loved Scully and her machete.
Loved the way she thought she could just turn off the light and stop The
bugs. This episode was really creepy and interesting and cool and bodes
well for the season, I hope.
Even the commercials for Ally McBeal irritate the crap out of me, how do
people get through a whole show? Huh? Oh, yes, anyway, loved Mulder's
note, for which he had to injure himself to write. Loved the African
biologist who befriended Scully, she was cool. I really loved Scully's
attitude here, I mean, she's ordering people around, telling everybody to
keep the spaceship a secret...and I mean, on whose authority? She's
nobody! She's not there in any official capacity at all, but she's got
them all (cept for Doctor Demented) toeing her line. Loved Scully lying
in bed obsessing about Mulder. The answers to all the mysteries in the
universe is secondary--hell, they're worthless, unless she can save him.

Sea of Blood ruled! And, should anyone see one come December, I may
actually reconsider my earlier millennium pshaw. Seems I was taught as a
child not to run with scissors, and a machete would probably be even more
dangerous. Dana, PLEASE! Be careful. Nice to see Kritchgow from Season
4 finale and Season 5 beginning.

To paraphrase Gordon Lightfoot, "If you could read my mind love, you'd be
in an insane asylum..." OK, it's not quite as catchy. I love how we
love watching stuff about how scary our government is (no comments from the
Canadian peanut gallery, please!). Okay, that look on the nurse's face
when Dirty Diana shows up and gets all uppity? That sums up my feelings
towards her. Can she die? Soon? Painfully?

Scully can translate artifacts and wield the machete. To bad she leaves
the machete behind--that would solve the Agent Diana Fowley problem quite
nicely, now wouldn't it? MMMM. Yes, QUITE nicely, hah ha ha. Liked how
the other woman avoided Dr. Demented the way one would a rabid dog. She
just sensed he'd gone cuckoo for artifacts. Liked the spiritual bonding
between the two women when the other (no, I didn't catch her name) when
she said "This is the word of God" Scully 's science is no longer impeding
her spiritual growth, it is facilitating it. the moment is broken by Dr.
Demented's "there is no god" proclamation, and also his machete-wielding.

This show was intense! Loved Mulder hitting the little screens to the
bongo beat of the music. I wonder how Mulder's going to lose his
mind-reading powers? Liked how Kritchgow just says, "well, sure people
have psychic ability" like it's so mundane and obvious and the government
isn't even interested in run-of-the-mill esp.

When a machete just isn't available, a well-placed chair can also do the
job quite nicely too. Dana, honey, remember that when next you see
FOUL-y. (Childish, but it feels good). I'm confused by African spirit guy
touching Scully. I expected her to have some amnesia but she didn't. He
said "Some truths are not for you" [which I love on so many levels:
spiritual, intellectual, emotional, psychological] And I thought she'd
be like, "Why am I in Africa, huh? What artifact, what are you babbling
about strange woman?" But that didn't seem to occur. Maybe later. I felt
that harkened back to Third season's "Revelations" when Scully is perplexed by
the fact that she so clearly saw signs and miracles and Mulder didn't.
the Priest said maybe the signs weren't meant of him, only her. So I
liked this idea of the fact that we aren't supposed to Get all the answers.
However, I truly hope Carter doesn't use that line to get out of making
his conspiracy make sense when all is said and done :"The truth is out there,
true....But, it's not meant for you, sorry." I also liked Scully's
visions, which remind me, again of Revelations (among other) which seem
to imply that Scully is, to say the least..special. She protects God's
messengers and she isn't going to die (last year she inherited that
'gift" from the photographer, which was foreshadowed in third season's
"Clyde bruekman") Isn't it cute how I think they are going care about
continuity the way I do? I liked that Scully didn't have her gun, by the way,
because, as she must have flown there, how could she have gotten her gun
on the plane without using her credentials and than getting traced, huh?
See, X-Files, as cruel as I can be when you suck, I can be a powerful ally.

Oh man, watching that horrible horrible woman profess her love while poor
mulder is unable to get away. Okay, he kinda deserves it since he so
mistreated Scully in Season 5 finale and last year when know,
didn't hit her over the head with a chair or something. "Now we can be
together." *shudder*

Scully should have been wearing spurs as she walked down the FBI halls:
sheriff's back in town. "I have to see him." Sigh. Again, her
shattering admission that the artifact is extra-terrestrial (I think I did it!) is
secondary to her devotion to mulder and her NEED to see him. If you're
going to kill someone with a machete, do it real nice and permanent
because if they are raised from the dead by an alien artifact, BOY, are you going
to get it!

Loved how Mulder can hear Scully's voice in all the chaos in his head.
Love that he can read her mind at this moment, when she is so overflowing
with love and support. he's listening to her beautiful mind.

Scenes for next week: The darth vader moment we all knew was coming
(although Joseph Campbell asked me to remind you all that Lucas was
certainly not the first to make a hero turn out to be the son of his
nemesis, it's a staple of ancient stories and myths--in fact, the Alien
Artifact weighed in on the subject and agrees with Campbell, so get over
it, Star Wars people!) And Foul-y touches Mulder's bare chest while we
look on in disgust--MY EYES! MY EYES! Nothing more horrifying than that
image--unless you've been watchin the 49ers this season, AY Carumba :(
Have a great week everybody! :D


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