Monday, March 01, 1999

X-Files...I GUESS!? 6.14 "Monday"

Well folks, I don't quite know what to say. normally, I like to write my
reviews before I hear anything from any of you, because I don't want to
be influenced, but this week, I really wonder what you all thought because I
am completely unable to give an unbiased opinion.

This episode was point for point a carbon copy of the "Star Trek episode
I mentioned last week. In that episode, the "Enterprise" is destroyed in
the teaser, and then every segment of the show leads up to the ship
exploding, and then we relive the events leading up to it again and again, from
different angles, with each character reacting to "deja vu" etc. There
are things that differ, but regardless, there are certain things that happen
every single time. It was EXACTLY like this episode--except in "Star
Trek," a character can say "We're caught in a rift of the time-space
continuum, and we're in a loop and we have to break the cycle in order to
end it," and everyone says "Oh, OK." Cause it's Star Trek and stuff like
that happens all the time. In Star Trek, Scully would be considered
pretty ignorant. This episode of Star Trek, by the way, aired a year before
"groundhog day" came out, so it's not like both were doing a movie take-off.

So, let me know if the Story really worked for you. i thought the
resolution was a little weak after all that build-up, and Mulder's
surrendering his weapon to a crazy man was completely inexplicable. I
loved Scully's cradling Mulder's head, and how desperate she was to save
him of course (unlike last week when she abandoned him to the "sea
monster") and I'll admit that I am simply NOT strong enough to totally
resist an episode that has Mulder waking up shirtless over an over again.
The waterbed was great, it was nice that they were acknowledging that
that episode DID happen, even if Mulder and Scully don't remember it. Loved
Scully's reaction to Mulder's casual reference to his owning a waterbed (
I'd love to see her reaction to his mirrored ceiling) and one of the best
Scully lines of the year: After mulder asks her to cover for him, she
says "When do I not?" What was up with Mulders electric blue shirt? is he
going swing dancing later at a martini bar/?
Seems to me, carrie hamilton from Fame should have been working on that
bank teller, and finally gotten her to NOT trip the silent alarm, but who
am I to say. I hope if you enjoyed this episode, you won't be TOO
annoyed with me. Feel free to write me off as the geek that I am, but I maintain
that this was not only done before, it was done better.

Next week: Mulder and Scully have to pose as a married couple. I hereby
declare a one-week moratorium on complaining about the show's distressing
lightness of tone this year, and even if it does wind up like some really
lame fan-fiction, I suspect i will enjoy it.

Have a great week....haven't i said that before????? :D Christine!


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