Monday, February 19, 2001

X-files 8.13 "Per Manum" Is one of us supposed to be A DOGG in this scenario?

Yes friends, we're supposed to be John Doggett. His anger and frustration
over being kept in the dark by Skinner and Scully mirrors our anger and
frustration over being deceived and manipulated by Chris Carter and Frank
Spotnitz. I'm almost as incredulous as Meg Ryan in "When Harry met Sally"
when Billy Crystal tries to use a dog analogy to describe her.

I still am not sure what happened and when. For those who didn't watch, it
wouldn't have helped much. My review makes no sense either.

Scully is pregnant. "14 weeks." Meaning...3 and a half months. So...I'm
guessing she miscarried, then gave invitro fertilization ANOTHER TRY.
Whatever. Why she would try again NOW when she's determined to find mulder
and is really stressed out and getting beat up as usual makes no real sense
to me but neither does her ONLY being 14 months pregnant at this point any
other way.

Here's what we now know.

In flashback, we see Scully tell mulder that she has learned she can never
have children. Then he tell her he's known that for awhile and that he
actually knows why. the govt. (or someone) harvested her ova and he
recovered it, but had it tested and discovered it was unviable. She's
understandably ticked, and says she wants a second opinion. This flashback
had to be around early season 5--Scully Christmas episodes: in those
episodes we learned that Scully DID know she was barren, but that mulder
didn't tell her about the eggs. Here, he justifies that decision by saying
she was sick and he didn't see the point of giving her more bad news.

Gillian was wonderful throughout, by the way. In a lot of emotional pain
but holding in and suffering in silence and isolation as our Dana is prone
to do.

But, I have major problems with this whole thing. Scully gets a second
opinion about her ova and is told they ARE viable (which makes very little
sense to me since we saw Mulder put them in his pocket long ago, and I
thought they had to stay really really frozen at all times. Even a brief
unfrozen time would kill them, I thought. But, whatever, and Scully's new
doctor tells her all they need is a father. A sperm donor. She asks
mulder, he agrees.

I'm certain the PRIMARY reason Carter chose this twist was because so few
people would see it coming (if you claim you did, you're SOOOOO lying). It
makes so little sense to me. From a Scully sense, yes, if you remember the
Emily plotline, where she just watched her hybrid daughter die and had
determined to adopt her etc. She was in a fragile state and I buy her
being desperate to conceive at that point. But the idea that she asked
Mulder (even with flashbacks, they don't give us this critical scene, only
his later agreement) to donate his sperm and she tried in vitro
fertilization and it didn't work, we see her fall into his arms and their
shared grief--its all very moving but all it tells me is Carter and co.
have been lying to us EVEN LONGER than just this last year. For the last
three years something MAJOR happened between these two that we didn't see.
Not that this had actually even been conceived of (parted the pun) even
last summer probably, but its still nonsensical revisionism of history and
of character.

Agreeing to and attempting to make a baby together, to bring a life into
the world that's half him and half her is REALLY IMPORTANT. As important
as the sex they still may or may not have had.

But, if this failed attempted at pregnancy was several years ago (as it
would seem) they still could have made the baby Scully was pregnant with in
May the old fashioned way, but it seems almost certainly that Scully lost
that baby if she's only three months pregnant now. her conversation with
the other pregnant woman, where this woman confides that she couldn't have
conceived the baby naturally implied that Scully can't do the math either,
that the baby really is "miraculous," that her words to Skinner at the end
of season 7 "I'm not even sure how..." were true, that Mulder's coda line
about not giving up on a miracle mean that this is no ordinary baby.
Let's all hope they don't try to blaspheme any of our respective religions
by taking this in a non-alien non-human direction.

Dogg spends the whole episode pouting that he's out of loop, but comes
through to save Scully in the end. he's supportive of her when he learns
she's pregnant but doesn't put much stock in her talk of government cover
up and alien babies. Scully seems as uncertain as WE about how and why
she's pregnant now. O......kay. Since, apparently, every single OBGYN in
America if not the World is in on the cover-up, there is no way for Scully
to tell if what's in her womb is alien or not--makes no sense at all to me,
but Arrgggh! Whatever! She tells Dogg she didn't reveal her pregnancy(s?)
to him for fear of the FBI and him stopping her from looking for
Mulder--like either of them have even been trying!

The whole thing with Haskell, who seems like a UFO nut but is maybe a
government operative isn't worth going into --who cares? I don't care
about Dogg learning any of this stuff, I really and truly don't.

Oh, we do learn Dogg drives a Big ol chevy truck. Man, he gets more
interesting every episode! Why don't they tell us about his wife or kid(s)
dead missing or otherwise? THAT would make him human to me, at least.

Seems like, if Scully had an alien baby, and these bad guys new she was
going to keep trying to get at the truth, they'd abduct her again or make
her lose the baby or SOMETHING. Instead, after mulder's "return' next week
(we'll see), I'm sure we'll have some stand alone episodes exploring the
paranormal with no real mention of any of this. then, we take a break for
"the Lone Gunmen" borrowing X-Files timeslot--what a relief.

Please David and Gillian, walk away after this year? Like you should have
after Season six? You've got enough money and I'd really appreciate it.
Christine :(


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