Saturday, February 17, 2001

Survivor 2.4

SURVIVOR!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!

Loved the turnabout in this one. Colby snapped out of it! Keith is
now my hero as he's devoted to making sure Jerri doesn't win, LOL. Loved
it. Loved how they picked Mitch KNOWING that a tie would ultimately
result in his being booted. Mitch/Amber/Jerri are so the group
I hung out with in Junior High, till I was voted out. The type of people
who cry when high school is over because they'll never feel that
important again? It's petty, but I still love seeing those types on the receiving end.
Tina and Keith showed themselves to be Survivors. They didn't roll
over, they fought, and used Jerri's arrogance against her--she never saw it
coming. bragging, laughing about her stupid remarks at tribal council,
MARVELING at Colby's "strength" when he manages to resist her, good gravy.
Colby would be my most likely to lose the million dollars by helping his loser
friends start a lame business or what not, you know? And you'd tell him
to get out, they're taking advantage, get his money back but bless his heart,
he'd say "no way, they're my buddies!' Still, he showed some backbone, maybe there's
hope. Loved his "puppet master" crack. Mitch, so stupid. Doesn't realize he's siding with weakness till its too late. Interesting to see how Amber reacts to the power shift.
Jerri, too, hee hee hee. Mitch's parting words were so telling, he can dish it out,
but he can't take it. He expects loyalty? Puhleeze. And its not like he
gave an impassioned plea or a rousing speech. "My body IS cannibalizing
itself so I can live, maybe you should dump me.."

Still wonder if Ogakor can stop skidding. Jen commented that all
they seem to think about is who's next? they can't wait to decimate their own tribe,
you know? they aren't focused on winning.

Most importantly, kucha's eating. Meat. It's like a PSA for Meat,
LOL. Meat make you strong. Crush enemies. Taste Good.

Had no problem with the pig scene. I'm sure I'd be grossed out if I
were there but I'd rise above for the sake of precious bacon. I saw this
bit on one of the morning news programs about product placement on Survivor,
even unintentional things like like Tina's Doritos comment (that the show
decided to keep in) and Reebok etc. With all the positive press that chicken
and pork is getting, i thing the beef people should drop a cow out
there for some equal time.

Thought of the "Little Red Hen" a little too. When Jeff and Liz and
Alicia wanted pork, Mike should have said: "but where were you when I chased
the pig? Cornered the pig? Where were you when I slit the pig's throat?
Eviscerated and de-sanguinated the pig?"
Milestone: Nick was useful for the very first time in helping Mike in the
hunt, and Rodger helped with the gutting. The rest were like,
and then MMMMMMMMMMMMMM, no work in between.
Still have Michael issues, but if I were in Kucha, I'd keep him
around for the food, I'll own that. I'd be oblivious to his whole plot to
murder the chickens so I'd be desperate for his fish. WHAT was that about???
Like that wouldn't REALLY PISS EVERYONE OFF? Like no one would suspect it
was knife-boy? Not the sharpest tool in the drawer, our Mad Mike. His
"confessionals" are so revealing--he worries about not being in "the
limelight." He's pretending that he's worried about being voted off,
when really he desperately needs to be the alpha male. "Now that the
chickens are here, it's not all about me and my penis, that's certainly a
concern. Better go kill something." Yet in such a primal setting, I admit the
bacon would buy a little loyalty from me.
Kimmi should be on Temptation island, as all she has to offer is
backrub bribery. What a moron. She has a right to her beliefs, and hey, if
she were SMART, she'd make a point of "more meat for the rest of you!
I'll sit over here and eat my rice, mmmmm."
Kimmi doesn't grasp the math, does she? She's on a show where people
vote you out when they don't care for you, and she's going around saying
"What's the matter with you people?" Yes Kimmi, what IS the matter with
those six people, as opposed to little annoying useless little you? Can't wait
to see Alicia go all "Jerry Springer" on her next week!

Christine :)

PS: is desanguinated a word? I know its CLOSE to a real word...


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