Monday, November 16, 1998

X-Files 6.2 "Drive"

Hello everybody--say, I thought X-Files once again kicked ass! I mean,
it moved so quickly, it was an
interesting story, it feels as though everyone was rejuvenated. This
episode was written by my favorite writer
(in the abscence of Darin Morgan) Vince Gilligan, and directed by this
summer's movie director Rob Bowman. The opening was great--anyone else fooled into thinking"X-Files" was really being interrupted by
a stupid high speed chase? For those of us who live in LA, it's not unheard of.
In fact, that's one of the roots of this story: several months ago, Chris Carter
was en route to speak at...I beleive it was Long Beach
State, his alma mater...anyway, he got stuck in traffic for hours and
hours when the freeway had to be closed
because of that guy that set his car on fire and then blew his head off
on live TV? Remember that? So,
Diana, we were wondering when the episode involving that would air and
here it was. Of course, in real life,
these guys are never interesting--they've usually just stolen a car and
are extremely stupid. Remember the
guy that stole a spear-gun from the aquarium? Crazy. Say I've driven
West on I-80 from St. Louis to San
Francisco in the early 80's--spend a couple days in a small car with
your family and see how sane you remain:
But we did visit Yellowstone Natl. Park, Dodge City and, YES, Elko
Nevada--that's a real city they stopped
that guy in. I point that out only because "Loleta" California is
probably a psuedoname for "Goleta"
California, near Monterey I believe. In the first season, in the
episode with all the clone Eves (loved that
episode) they track down the girls in a resort town called "Port
Reyes." There's no such place, but those of
us from the Bay Area know it's "Point Reyes." So, i don't know why
some cities get real names and others
don't but that seems to be the case.

Loved Mulder and Scully's exciting new job--say, I guess protecting us
from terrorists is pretty lame,
huh Mulder?? Sheesh! Loved that they get a literal s**t job, heehee.
LOVED David Duchovny's haircut this year.
This is a critical element of any season (remember the
horrible buzzcut in season 2?) and hum- baby, all is right with the world.
When he waggled his eyebrows at Scully, you knew she was going to
Nevada--who could resist? Loved how he could tell she was into the
idea as he was, Scully's so stoked she
gets to do an autopsy--they've taken away her dead people, that's how
much trouble she's in with the bureau! And Scully rules so hard-core in this
episode! The local Medicical examiner chick is grateful for the assist,
and Scully orders EVERYONE around in this episode. DId you catch her
phrasing with both the Sherriff
and later the hazmat guy? "I want." She said it a dozen times--not "I
need" or "We need" or "Please do this"
or "i have an idea." No, it's "I want this, I want that," and she gets it."
Love when Scully yells at people. Giving orders in is in her blood, it
would seem (more on that later).

Loved Mulders figuring out that speed
was the key without being told, and Scully figuring out the why and
wherefore--they're smarter than the
average FBI agents. Loved Mulder's anguish at being seprated from his
beloved Scully when Crump
smashes his cell phone.
Director Kersh calls (the "Another World" guy) and makes it clear that
Scully is in the doghouse even worse than she was before. Mulder's claim that they could investigate this bizarre case without being found
out turns out to be as wrong as when he told her they'd have a "nice
trip to the forest" in Season 1 and they
got the life sucked out of them by those freaky green bugs(Darkness
Falls). Scully isn't as intimated though,
as she would have been even last year--she seems comfortable with her
rogue statis, and goes on with her DUTY, solving the case she's involved in
irregardless of how she came
to BE involved in it. Crump's racist
comments to Mulder about his (possibly? probably?) being Jewish are
intriguing. This is the second episode
in which a racist has assumed Mulder to be Jewish, and both times
Mulder has neither confirmed nor denied
it. It would be interesting--especially as his father worked with
Nazi's on the project (Anasazi, The Blessing Way). David Duchovny
has stated in interviews that he assumes his
character is Jewish, and will until he has
been told otherwise (Duchovny is half-Jewish himself). It is clear by
this episode and "Kaddish" from the 4th
season (I think) that the writers are keeping this a possibility but
for one reason or another, aren't setting it in
stone (why, I don't know). In "Conduit" (Season 1) the episode ends
with Mulder crying in a Christian
church--which could elude to his being brought up in two traditions or
in neither his parents traditions or he
just stumbled in looking for solace. In subsequent episodes
("Revelations" season 3 and last years rip off of
same...the one with the scary angel that was killing those girls?)
Mulder has displayed contempt for religion
(at least Scully's Catholicism) and indeed for God himself. It would
make sense that mulder was angry at
God for "taking" his sister etc., and it would be interesting to
explore this side of Mulder. At the very least, I
hope that the next time they decide to bring up Mulder's "potential
Judaism" it would be in a more positive
and enlightning construct than some red-neck using the word Jew as an
insult. If Mulder has any kind of religious upbringing, let's explore it.

Go west, young man....OR DIE!!!!! Heh heh heh. My sister and I let
out a cheer when they crossed
>into California's borders. A thought crossed my mind as i was
listening to all the clearly American extra's. In
the past, we often heard Canadian accents come from the mouths of yokel
law enforcement, now, they are
pulling form LA's store of actors, and those poor Vancouverites are
trying to get jobs on "Nightman." The
thing is, much of the casting of recurring characters was done in
Canada, and this inlcudes Cancerman and
most of the Bad Guys! SO now it's like, an EVIL CANADIAN plot to take
over the world (that's where the
bees and clones were in season 4's"Herrenvolk" weren't they?) George
Lucas has said that he intentionally
cast the Imperail Empire as British, and most of the heroes as
American. Chris Carter has merely stumbled
into this but it made me laugh anyway and made that whole thing about
"the longest un-protected border in the world" seem vaguely ominus--any thoughts or comments A-Lynn? :D

Loved how Scully takes her mask off--she's so sure her theory is right
she's bets her life on it: Scully,
you show off! As someone who used to get nosebleeds quite frequently,
freak people out--I'm glad they tapered off before I started watching
this show, or I'd have thought I was
dying of brain cancer, an alien abductee and driving really fast all
the time. Loved Scully's interaction with
the navy guy--she grew up on Navy bases, remember, and is NOT
indimidated by the unifroms or the
attitudes. When she realizes this guy's incompetence, she gives him a
look that seems to say "My dad could
kick your ass, sailor!" This brings me to mind of how much I would
love to see Scully involved in a case that
also involves one or both of her brothers. We know Bill is a Navy
Commander, and Charlie...well, we just
know his name, but still, wouldn't it be cool if one of them was one of
the guys stone-walling her, or one of the guys tha't tips her off to the truth.
Just a thought. You all know by now that the Scully family is one of my
obsessions:) Loved CHiPs delivering the phone and the end was rather
affecting. Kersh's comments about
Mulder's relishing playing a martyr were delicious (I'm sure Mulder cut
Scully a check for his share of the damages), as was Scully's new found
pride in being a trouble-maker.

Next week looks awesome--I don't
know what I relish more, the "kiss", or Scully thretening Spender. I
write this from Northern California, but I
will be back in LA by tonight.

Until next week,

Christine :p


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