Sunday, April 19, 1998

X-Files 5.16 "Mind's Eye"

Well? What did you think? I had a few problems, but overall, I liked
it a lot. It was pretty cool and engrossing--extremely well directed, I
thought and photographed very well. Lily Taylor, always good. She's played a
lot of criminals lately, but I will always think of her first and foremost
from "Say Anything", singing all her songs at the party ("Joe lies, when he
cries") Heehee. Love that movie. The scene with marty lighting her
cigarette with the oven was a nice character moment: right away, we
knew we were dealing with a tough cookie. I really dug this character--and so
did Mulder--what was going on between these two? That is my main complaint
with the episode, there was so little interaction between Mulder and
Scully. This would have worked as a stand alone episode for
Mulder--Scully was almost irrelevent. When Scully says to Mulder,
re: Marty's visions "Well, if any of this is true..." I was like, "Huh?"
That's it? It's as
though Scully's skepticsm would be tedious or something, so she just
shrugs it off. "Visions? Whatever..." Hmmmmm. I would have liked ONE
scene, where Scully mentions Mulder's connection to this girl--she brings him
to tears for goodness sake!!! Admittedly, Scully wasn't around at the
time, but Scully should have picked up on Mulder's...Crush? And said
something, even a joke would have worked for me, one line where she says "Yo
Mulder, whasss up with you and this blind chick?"

But, Ok, enough
complaining--force of HABIT, X-Files, I'm still a little miffed about
the last couple months. I was so relieved that this wasn't just a "Eyes of
Laura Mars" rip-off. The Father thing may have been a bit obvious, but
the whole element of Marty's having been sort of institutionalized her
whole life, the way a convict would be, and then her dad gets out, and like
an ex-con, she can't adjust--she wants to be in prison...that was cool.
Also cool, Scully has put on a little weight--I was getting worried about
Gillian. It's Ok to be in shape, but she was looking a little too
thin, and she looked better this week. I loved that Scully found the glove
within minutes of arriving at the first crime scene and i loved her
line "well, when you figure it out, give me a call. She seems a bit tired
of Mulder--she's not enjoying him. I like this pattern--Mulder and Scully
go through phases where they really dig each other, and then they merely
tolerate one another. Is this a prelude to the cliff hanger? Mulder
and Scully tend to start to really disagree before season cliffhangers. I
liked when Mulder asked Scully for her OPINION, about whether she
thought marty was capable of murder, and Scully replied "I'll let you know when
I get the tests back" No speculating for our Scully--she won't even
venture a guess without some precious scientific data to back her up. I
thought the music was a little hammy, too heavy, especially during the Mulder
and Marty scenes. So, a mixed bag, but mostly good, I thought. The scene
at the end was almost...romantic...Mulder's got a pen-pal, at the very

Bye bye for now, here's to new episodes! Next week: Scully+ her
Catholic faith = a good episode, I hope! Yes, there look to be some kooks, but
it's always good to see Scully confront fanatism, since she tends to lean a
little too far in the other direction. Have a great week all, love,

Christine :)


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