Sunday, May 03, 1998

X-Files 5.18 "The Pine Bluff Variant"

What happens when John Shiban watches "Point Break" and "Oubreak" in
the same week? Heehee. Well, for those of you who saw the second season's
"F. Emasculata", the X-Files wrecthedly disguting "Outbreak" rip-off
episode, this was the show they SHOULD have done--a little less derivitive and
believe it or not, less gross! No exploding boils (may I add how glad i am
that I did not see that episode when i had Chicken pox...) The eww
factor was pretty high on this one. I felt it was weak that they didn't seem
to realize they'd done this before--I mean, Mulder and Scully and Skinner
dealt with OUR government exposing people to a virus in the
aforementioned episode! But, I'll just say they discussed the similarities on the
car ride home, and rate this episode as entertaining, mainly because of
some cheap yet effective tricks they used on me :) Jogging Mulder (trick)
Scully leaping from the van in answer to a biological imperitive she
has to protect Mulder (trick). Scully is suspicious of Mulder--he isn't good
at lying to her, he can't even look her in the eyes--no finger-breaking
necessary. SHe doesn't like being out of the loop--she knows
somethings up, even though by now she HAS to be used to his blowing her off...But
she's used to covering for him, and she does--she can't really think
he's "in" on anything resembling a terrorist plot to overthrow the
government--otherwise she'd turn him in, or at least make him turn
himself in. But she probably figures he's trying to do something by himself
and that he may be in too deep. So she tails him, expertly, driving with
the lights off, she's so rad! I don't think any movie theater would be
showing "Die hard with a Vengence". This was lame, beacuse "Die Hard" would
be plausible in a discount house, because people actually liked that
movie, and you'd have the same joke. (sigh). It was great how the cashier
had to leave the Box in order to sell popcorn--very common in cheapie
theaters. And the bad guy's demanding "fresh" popcorn popped special just for him
even though the stuff you JUST poped five minutes ago is just warm and
fresh enough, but NOOOO he's got to make you pop a new batch...I always
knew those people were evil. Nice that the stuff that Mulder said
about the government at that UFO conference earlier this season got a
reaction from SOMEONE, if not Mulder's superiors...but maybe it was his
superiors who set this up...Ok. Anyway, I liked that. When Scully was being led
to the CIA guy and Skinner, and she looked all small but defiant
surrounded by these big-bad men, I was reminded of the scene in "Star Wars"
when Princess Leia is being led to Vader and Tarkin...hmmmm. Trying to work
that into an analogy, but I can't, i like Skinner, and don't want him
to be affiliated with the dark side. Usually Scully is Han Solo to me, but
Mulder played that role this week, cracking-wise in the face of death.
Skinner always looks to be checking Scully out, but it's Mulder's
darkened apartment she slips into. Loved her tending to his bruised hand,
applying ice, setting the break with care (Trick). Sigh. She loves him.
Hypocratic oath, platonic freindship MY BUTT, OK, she loves him and
I'll hear no argument on the subject. I didn't like them being recorded--if
it's that easy, how is it that they haven't been shut down by now?
Mulder in that beige sweater (it looked...soft. I sent this to my Dad, so
I'll stop myself there :0 ) and Leather Jacket--the leather

Notice how Scully asks to be taken off speaker phone and Skinner jumps
to it? But he still tipped his hand to the CIA guy--no, I have no idea
what his name is. Skinner, you're a better liar than that. Like it when
Scully interacts with her fellow geek scientists. I sure miss Pendrell.
Scully illustrates the point she tried to mke to Mulder in "Tooms" about
needing a partner when one does surveillance, when she dozes off in the car. But
Dana is this awsome: even when she's slackin' she solves the case!
While she sleeps, her mind is working hard, and she comes up with the truth
about the money. I'll bet Mulder was talking to God with that gun to his
head, and Boy was he GORGEOUS. I'm sorry, but he's never looked better than
he looked with that gun to his head. So is guy that winds up saving
him...a new Deep Throat? A friend or a foe? And will CIA guy be back? That's
the moral of this story, kids: THE CIA is EVEN WORSE that the FBI (but not
as bad as the IRS). Have a good week all. I will be travelling next
weekend, so My review of next Sunday's episode will be a day late.

Christine :)

Remember to send those Mother's Day cards


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