Wednesday, May 31, 2000

And another thing...X-File rant supplemental.

Diana believes that the only explanation for Scully's happiness is that
the baby is Mulder's. Scully's too smart, she contends, to be happy about
some bizarro alien immaculate conception. Which means they rooked us. I'm
not talking about some graphic sex scene, I'm talking about acknowledging
their romantic relationship onscreen. Carter is too adversarial towards us,
the fans. He'd rather do this winky-poo did they or didn't they thing than
write compelling adult drama.

Lastly, I forgot to mention one of the worst things about the finale.
Sometimes I can't read my own writing (yes, I take notes.) when I wait so
long after the show to write my reviews. Anyway, HOW STUPID was Krycek's
"murder" of Cancerman. I know Krycek is a total screwup, but are they
kidding? He pushes the guy down the stares and HOPES he killed him?
Doesn't even check his pulse? Or shoot him? I mean, this is a man WE
SAW get gunned down several years ago. So, he's "risen from the dead" before
and of course, he'll do it again. We know cancerman will be back, but
couldn't they come up with a better "death" than this? Apparently not.

OK, I think I'm done. Until I read another Chris Carter interview or
read some casting rumor on Mr. Showbiz. ;)

Christine :)


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